[Astronomy Club of Akron Logo] Public Events

All events are free and open to the public.  Supervised children are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Address of The ACA Observatory:

        Portage Lakes State Park
        5031 Manchester Rd
        Akron, OH  44319-3999
Click for Map & Directions

Enter the park from Manchester Road and follow signs to the Observatory located directly across from the ranger station.

Get an email notice of impromptu events!
Please check the main site for upcoming events.
? Our star parties are free and open to the public. Please join us for stargazing and educational activities.
Star parties will begin promptly.
? Areas in and around the observatory are dimly lit, please use caution. A restroom is available.
? Events may be cancelled if skies are cloudy.
Check our website for current star party status at top of homepage under "Current Information".
? Lawn chairs or blankets can add to observing comfort.
? Bring a pair of binoculars or your telescope if you have one.
? This is an outdoor activity in an unheated environment. Nighttime temperatures drop rapidly, even in the summer.
A general rule of thumb is to dress for 15? colder than predicted nighttime low temperature.
? Please be considerate of those who bring their own telescopes.
? Children should be supervised at all times. Pets should be left at home.
? Please, no smoking anywhere on the observatory grounds.
Smoke and optics don?t mix and your fellow observers will appreciate your consideration.

? Come As You Are, Learn As You Go!


To contact club officers with questions or comments, please visit our Contacts page
Copyright ?2022 Astronomy Club of Akron, Inc. - a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
This page of the ACA Website was last modified on 04/30/22


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