[Astronomy Club of Akron Logo] John Crilly


John Crilly's Photo Gallery

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John Crilly

John has served the Club as Vice President from 2004 to 2008 and has been on the Observatory Staff from 2004 to the present.  John has also provided legal counsel when called upon.
Proud Papa

John is shown here with his 20" Teeter Dob-mounted Newtonian reflector while observing at an event in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (probably during an ACA Board meeting!)
M1 - The Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant in Taurus

Through Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with FL 600 mm. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Meade DSI. Image taken at Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio
M1 - The Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant in Taurus

Through Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 5 x 300 second exposures at ASO 400.
Image taken on 11/14/2004 at Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio
NGC 891 - a galaxy in Andromeda

Through Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 5 x 300 second exposures at ASO 400.
Image taken on 11/14/2004 at Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio.
M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy

Taken at Urban Observatory 12/17/2004, ED80 at f/7.5, prime focus with Canon 300D, ISO400, 24 X 30 seconds
M38 - an Open Cluster in Auriga

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on December 17, 2004 using an Orion ED80 at f/7.5 with a Canon 300D at prime focus, ISO400, 5 exposures of 60 seconds
M37 - an Open Cluster in Auriga

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on December 17, 2004 using an Orion ED80 at f/7.5 with a Canon 300D at prime focus, ISO400, 5 exposures of 60 seconds
M36 - an Open Cluster in Auriga

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on December 17, 2004 using an Orion ED80 at f/7.5 with a Canon 300D at prime focus, ISO400, 5 exposures of 60 seconds.
M45 - The Pleiades, an Open Cluster in Taurus

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on December 15, 2004 using an Orion ED80 at f/7.5 with a Canon 300D at prime focus, ISO400, 2 exposures of 120 seconds.
NGC 869 & NGC 884 - The Double Cluster in Perseus

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on December 15, 2004 using an Orion ED80 at f/7.5 with a Canon 300D at prime focus, ISO400, 5 exposures of 30 seconds.
M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy

Image taken from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio on November 7, 2004 using a Meade LX200 12" f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 300 second exposure at ASO 400
John and another of his veritable arsenal of telescopes, this one a Dob-mounted Newtonian reflector
M42 - The Orion Nebula

Image taken on November 7, 2004 from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio using a Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, with f/6.3 focal reducer. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 120 second exposure at ASO 400.
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula w/satellite track

Image taken on November 13, 2004 from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio using a Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 180 second exposure at ASO 400.
M52 - an Open Cluster in Cassiopeia

Image taken on November 13, 2004 from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio using a Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 8 x 120 second exposures at ASO 400.

M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici (near the end star of the handle of the Big Dipper)

Taken April 4, 2005

NGC3242 - Eyeball Nebula, a Planetary Nebula in Hydra

Image taken on April 3, 2005 from Urban Observatory in Wadsworth, Ohio.using a Meade LX200 12" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Taken at Cassegrain focus with Canon Digital Rebel, 8 x 300 second exposures at ASO 400. Mount was autoguided by LPI using an ED80 refractor.
NGC3242 - Eyeball Nebula, a Planetary Nebula in Hydra

Close up of the image above


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This page of the ACA Website was last modified on 10/20/16


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