The Club completed the
Akron area's first public observatory in 1988 in the Portage Lakes State Park:
Portage Lakes State Park
5031 Manchester Rd
Akron, OH 44319-3999

Enter the park from Manchester Road and
follow signs to the Observatory located directly across from the ranger station.
Our observatory houses a new 16" Meade LX200ACF computerized
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Its large aperture allows for detailed views of
globular clusters, galaxies, nebulae, the planets and amazing views of the Moon.
The observatory has regularly scheduled
observing nights and is available for group tours by special
Smoking is not permitted in or near the observatory
nor on the observing field where members have
set up their own equipment.
If you must smoke, walk to the down-wind side of the observing site. Be
considerate of your fellow observers.

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Geographic location of our observatory: