Total Solar Eclipse captured on Monday
August 21, 2017
Location: from a parking lot at a local post office in Buffalo Valley;
60 miles east of Nashville, TN
Telescope: Orion 120mm refractor with 1000mm focal length; Mount:
Losmandy G-11 German Equatorial
Baader Herschel Wedge with ND3.0 (Neutral Density) and Baader Solar
Continuum filters
Total Solar Eclipse captured on Monday August 21, 2017
Location: from a parking lot at a local post office in Buffalo Valley;
60 miles east of Nashville, TN
Captured on Monday August 21, 2017
Telescope: Orion 120mm refractor with 1000mm focal length; Mount:
Losmandy G-11 German Equatorial
Baader Herschel Wedge with ND3.0 (Neutral Density) and Baader Solar
Continuum filters
Transit of Mercury across the face of the
Captured at a roadside rest area in Pennsylvania on Monday May 9th, 2016
Baader Herschel Wedge with ND3.0 (Neutral Density) and Baader Solar
Continuum filters.
The Moon, Venus & Clouds
Taken on Monday 12/7/2015
Jupiter & Mars Conjunction Taken Sunday
Image of Jupiter-Mars conjunction taken before snow clouds moved in this
The two brightest objects are Venus & Jupiter. Mars is brightest object
near Jupiter (½° northeast).
Mercury is 25° northeast of Jupiter out of the field of view.